I think Sabelo Mlangeni is probably the best young(ish) photographer in South Africa. If you don’t know his work go and look at his projects, Country Girls, At Home/Ghost Towns (links included at the end of this post) and even his first project, Invisible Women, made when he was still studying at the Market Photo Workshop. It is very hard to think of anyone else who has so consistently produced nuanced, thoughtful images that actually expand our understanding of modern day South Africa. This image, Shuanny Hifive, No 20 Freeda Road, is one that underlines this class.
Read MoreOne of the edges of Cape Town
The End of the Line
This ugly concrete wall, topped by an electric fence, is the final sign of continuous habitation on Okavango Road. After travelling past house after house after housing estate, one is suddenly confronted by a low wire fence and an immense space of sunburnt land. In essence, this is one of the edges of Cape Town.