The Red Location prior to the forced removal
Residents of the Red Location protest for houses
The remains of a removed home
The floor of a removed home
The floor of a removed home
The floor of a removed home
The floor of a removed home
Matthews, a long time resident of the Red Location, stands with his wife in the remains of his home.
Young children help a family move their belongings
The rebuilding begins while heavy rain clouds threaten
Material of all kinds is sourced for the rebuilding
Two residents waterproof the roof of their home with the Red Location Museum in the background
Decorations on the wall of a home
Grace stands with her newly rebuilt home
Matthews stands before his newly rebuilt home
Edward huddles next to his wood burning stove during a storm
The rebuilding continues
Children play on piles of sand used for constructing the nearby library
The rebuilding continues
A half built home
A resident uses a large stone to break old copper pipes so that he can sell them
Thembisa and her son stand next to her newly built home
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